
  • Title : The Famished Road: A Coalescence of Conflicting Polarities
    Author(s) : Insha Mattoo
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  • Title : an Argumentative Indian: Arundhati Roy, Journalist and Creative Writer
    Author(s) : Javed Ahmad Dar
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  • Title : Racio-ethnic Tensions in Midnight's Children
    Author(s) : Mudasir Rahman Najar
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  • Title : Literature as a Site of Memory: Reading History, Memory and Identity in Orhan Pamuk's The White Castel and Silent House
    Author(s) : Nasir Farid Butt
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  • Title : Sheikhul Alam: Reconciling Self and Society
    Author(s) : Wasia
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  • Title : Living the Partition: Narratives of Encounter and Representation int he Kashmir Borderland Story
    Author(s) : Kusumita Dutta
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  • Title : Haider: A Cinematic Staging of "Biopower"
    Author(s) : Jamiel Ahmad
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  • Title : Language Testing in Practice: Designing and Developing Useful Language ests for Reading and Writing English in India
    Author(s) : Masood Ahmad Malik
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  • Title : Narrative Indirection and Representational Crisis in Khushwent Singh's Train to Pakistan
    Author(s) : Khan Touseef Oman
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  • Title : Postmemory and Identity Formation in Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children
    Author(s) : Israk Zahan Papia
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